About Us

Hope in Church exists...

To honor and glorify God by obeying Jesus’ command to make disciples of all people groups. We accomplish this through our Mission and Core Values. Please feel free to contact us if you need prayer or have questions. 

Mission & Vision

Where God Leads

  • To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world
  • Seeking the loving, just, and free world God imagines for all people.
What is Most Important to Us
  • The Bible: authoritative, inerrant, our standard for truth and obedience
  • Christ-Centered Living: loving the Lord God with our whole hearts
  • Dependency on God for every area of our lives
  • Prayer: individual and corporate prayer as crucial in doing God’s work
  • Equipping Believers for a passion-driven, gift-based ministry
  • Missions: Taking Christ to the nations by giving, praying, and going
How We Do Ministry
  • Loving Relationships: Acceptance, caring for others, forgiving
  • Contemporary Worship: vibrant, heartfelt, reflective
  • Small Groups for spiritual growth and relationship building
  • Strengthening Families along with strong youth, children’s, and young adult ministries
  • Empowering Leadership


On Earth as in Heaven

Jesus was, is, and always will be the savior of the World. We believe Jesus to be God and human though we do not, cannot, and will never understand exactly how that works. As followers of Jesus we trust our lives to him and to following the way he lived. 

We sometimes struggle to live in Jesus’ example because we are tempted to make “being Christian” more about adhering to a certain set of beliefs than about following the way Jesus taught us to live. We believe that our lives speak more loudly than our words, and as a church will continue to struggle together until our words match our actions, our beliefs match our trust in God, and we lose the ability to distinguish “what we believe” from “who we are”. 

We are followers of Jesus seeking the loving, just, and free world God imagines for all people.


The Bible is the main foundation of our faith because the Bible leads us toward and helps us follow Jesus, who the Bible itself identifies as the Word of God (John 1.14).

We know how dangerous the Bible can be when left to any one person to read, interpret, and proclaim, so we are committed to studying and reading and interpreting the Bible together as followers of Jesus. We leverage reason, tradition, and experience to navigate the scriptures in ways that that help us respond to God’s faithfulness with our own.


We are part of The United Methodist Church, a denomination formed in 1968 that traces its heritage to John and Charles Wesley in the 18th century.

Being part of a denomination reminds us that as a church we are part of something larger than our own congregation, much like we are, as followers of Jesus, part of something bigger than ourselves – we are, together, part of the Reign of God that has already begun on earth as it is in heaven.

Here are the beliefs of the United Methodist Church.

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