Join Us on a 15-Day Prayer Journey
Each day, reflect on a Psalm, guided by a prayer focus and a suggested prayer. Let this time of devotion unite our church in faith and purpose.
Take a few moments to relax and center yourself. Breathe deeply, welcoming God's presence into this time. As you read the scripture, let the words soak in, and think about how they resonate in your life. Remember, you're not alone—others in our church family are praying alongside you today.
Psalm 15:1-5 (CEB): A Psalm of David
Scripture: Lord, who can live in your tent? Who can dwell on your holy mountain? The person who lives free of blame, does what is right, and speaks the truth sincerely. Who does no damage with their talk, does no harm to a friend, doesn’t insult a neighbor; someone who despises those who act wickedly, but who honors those who honor the Lord; someone who keeps their promise even when it hurts; someone who doesn’t lend money with interest, who won’t accept a bribe against any innocent person. Whoever does these things will never stumble.
Prayer Focus: Thankfulness for God's grace to Woodway FUMC since 1959.
I'll help you get started... "Lord, I thank You for Your steadfast grace that has guided our church since 1959. Help us to always walk uprightly in Your sight, speaking truth and doing what is right. I am grateful for the foundation You have laid for us..."
As you settle into this time of prayer, take a few deep breaths and invite God's presence to calm your heart. Reflect on the scripture, letting each word speak to you personally. Know that our church community is sharing in this prayer journey with you today.
Psalm 144:9-15 (CEB): A Psalm of David
Scripture: God, I will sing a new song to you; I will play to you on a ten-stringed harp— to you, the one who gives victory to kings, who rescues his servant David from the evil sword. Rescue me and deliver me from the power of strangers, whose mouths speak lies, and whose strong hand is a strong hand of deception. So that our sons can grow up fully, in their youth, like plants; so that our daughters can be like pillars carved to decorate a palace; so that our barns can be full, providing all kinds of food; so that our flocks can be in the thousands— even tens of thousands— in our fields; so that our cattle can be loaded with calves; so that there won’t be any breach in the walls, no exile, no outcries in our streets! The people who have it like this are truly happy! The people whose God is the Lord are truly happy!
Prayer Focus: Ask God for the words to the "new song" we're going to sing.
I'll help you get started... "Heavenly Father, I ask for Your guidance as we prepare to sing a new song of praise to You. May the words we sing be inspired by Your Spirit, and may they bring glory to Your name..."
Take a quiet moment to focus your thoughts and breathe deeply. Invite God into this space with you. As you read the scripture, let it touch your heart and guide your reflections. Know that others in our church family are also lifting these prayers today.
Psalm 106:1-48 (CEB): Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
Scripture: Praise the Lord! Give thanks to the Lord because he is good, because his faithful love endures forever. Who could possibly repeat all of the Lord’s mighty acts or publicly recount all his praise? The people who uphold justice, who always do what is right, are truly happy! Remember me, Lord, with the favor you show your people; visit me with your saving help so I can experience the good things your chosen ones experience, so I can rejoice in the joy of your nation, so I can praise along with your possession. We have sinned—right along with our ancestors. We’ve done what is wrong. We’ve acted wickedly. Our ancestors in Egypt didn’t understand your wondrous works. They didn’t remember how much faithful love you have. So they rebelled by the sea—at the Reed Sea. But God saved them for the sake of his good name, to make known his mighty power. God scolded the Reed Sea, and it dried right up; he led them through the deeps like they were a dry desert. God saved them from hostile powers; he redeemed them from the power of the enemy. But the waters covered over their foes— not one of them survived! So our ancestors trusted God’s words; they sang God’s praise. But how quickly they forgot what he had done! They wouldn’t wait for his advice. They were overcome with craving in the desert; they tested God in the wastelands. God gave them what they asked for; he sent food to satisfy their appetites. But then they were jealous of Moses in the camp, jealous too of Aaron, the Lord’s holy one. So the earth opened up, swallowing Dathan, and covering over Abiram’s crowd. Fire blazed throughout that whole group; flames burned up the wicked. They made a calf at Horeb, bowing down to a metal idol. They traded their glorious God for an image of a bull that eats grass. They forgot the God who saved them— the one who had done great things in Egypt, wondrous works in the land of Ham, awesome deeds at the Reed Sea. So God determined that he would destroy them— except for the fact that Moses, his chosen one, stood in the way, right in front of him, and turned God’s destructive anger away. But then they rejected the land that was so desirable. They didn’t trust God’s promise. They muttered in their tents and wouldn’t listen to the Lord’s voice. So God raised his hand against them, making them fall in the desert, scattering their offspring among the nations, casting them across many lands. They joined themselves to Baal-peor and ate sacrifices offered to the dead. They made God angry by what they did, so a plague broke out against them. Then Phinehas stood up and prayed, and the plague was contained. That’s why Phinehas is considered righteous, generation after generation, forever. But they angered God at Meribah’s waters, and things went badly for Moses because of them, because they made him bitter so that he spoke rashly with his lips. They didn’t destroy the nations as the Lord had ordered them to do. Instead, they got mixed up with the nations, learning what they did and serving those false gods, which became a trap for them. They sacrificed their own sons and daughters to demons! They shed innocent blood, the blood of their own sons and daughters—the ones they sacrificed to Canaan’s false gods—so the land was defiled by the bloodshed. They made themselves unclean by what they did; they prostituted themselves by their actions. So the Lord’s anger burned against his people; he despised his own possession. God handed them over to the nations; people who hated them ruled over them. Their enemies oppressed them, and they were humbled under their power. God delivered them numerous times, but they were determined to rebel, and so they were brought down by their own sin. But God saw their distress when he heard their loud cries. God remembered his covenant for their sake, and because of how much faithful love he has, God changed his mind. God allowed them to receive compassion from all their captors. Lord our God, save us! Gather us back together from among all the nations so we can give thanks to your holy name and rejoice in your praise! Bless the Lord, the God of Israel, from forever ago to forever from now! And let all the people say, “Amen!” Praise the Lord!
Prayer Focus: For God to help us remember and learn from the blessings and the challenges faced by our ancestors.
I'll help you get started... "Lord, I thank You for the countless blessings and lessons passed down from our ancestors. Help me to remember their journey and learn from their experiences as I seek to follow Your will..."
Find a comfortable spot, take a deep breath, and invite God’s presence into this moment. As you read through the scripture, allow the words to guide your thoughts and prayers. Remember, you're part of a larger community today—our church family is praying with you.
Psalm 136:1-26 (CEB): His Mercy Endures Forever
Scripture: Give thanks to the Lord because he is good. God’s faithful love lasts forever! Give thanks to the God of all gods— God’s faithful love lasts forever. Give thanks to the Lord of all lords— God’s faithful love lasts forever; who alone does great wonders— God’s faithful love lasts forever; who made the skies with skill— God’s faithful love lasts forever; who spread the land on the waters— God’s faithful love lasts forever; who made the great lights— God’s faithful love lasts forever; the sun to rule the day— God’s faithful love lasts forever; the moon and the stars to rule the night— God’s faithful love lasts forever! Who struck down the Egyptians’ oldest offspring— God’s faithful love lasts forever; and brought Israel out from among them— God’s faithful love lasts forever; with a strong hand and outstretched arm— God’s faithful love lasts forever! Who split the Reed Sea in two— God’s faithful love lasts forever; and brought Israel through the middle of it— God’s faithful love lasts forever; but swept Pharaoh and his army into the Reed Sea— God’s faithful love lasts forever! Who led the people through the desert— God’s faithful love lasts forever. Who struck down great kings— God’s faithful love lasts forever; and killed powerful kings— God’s faithful love lasts forever; Sihon, the Amorite king— God’s faithful love lasts forever; Og, Bashan’s king— God’s faithful love lasts forever; handing their land over as an inheritance— God’s faithful love lasts forever; as an inheritance to Israel, his servant— God’s faithful love lasts forever! God remembered us when we were humiliated— God’s faithful love lasts forever; God rescued us from our enemies— God’s faithful love lasts forever! God is the one who provides food for all living things— God’s faithful love lasts forever! Give thanks to the God of heaven— God’s faithful love lasts forever!
Prayer Focus: Invite God to help you remember ways that God has helped you know that His "steadfast love endures forever."
I'll help you get started... "Lord, I thank You for Your everlasting love and mercy. Help me to remember the many ways You have shown Your faithfulness in my life, and guide me to trust in Your enduring love..."
Take a few minutes to slow down and breathe deeply. Let God’s peace fill you as you prepare to read today’s scripture. As you reflect on these words, know that others in our church family are doing the same, lifting their hearts to God alongside you.
Psalm 125:1-5 (CEB): The Lord Surrounds His People
Scripture: The people who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion: never shaken, lasting forever. Mountains surround Jerusalem. That’s how the Lord surrounds his people from now until forever from now! The wicked rod won’t remain in the land given to the righteous so that they don’t use their hands to do anything wrong. Lord, do good to people who are good, to people whose hearts are right. But as for those people who turn to their own twisted ways— may the Lord march them off with other evildoers! Peace be on Israel!
Prayer Focus: Pray for peace within our church.
I'll help you get started... "Lord, I pray for peace within our church. May we be united in Your love and steadfast in our faith, like Mount Zion that cannot be moved..."
Take a moment to calm your mind and breathe deeply. As you settle into this time of prayer, invite God to join you. Reflect on the scripture and allow its message to guide your thoughts. Know that others in our church community are joining you in this prayer journey today.
Psalm 125:1-5 (CEB): The Lord Surrounds His People
Scripture: The people who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion: never shaken, lasting forever. Mountains surround Jerusalem. That’s how the Lord surrounds his people from now until forever from now! The wicked rod won’t remain in the land given to the righteous so that they don’t use their hands to do anything wrong. Lord, do good to people who are good, to people whose hearts are right. But as for those people who turn to their own twisted ways— may the Lord march them off with other evildoers! Peace be on Israel!
Prayer Focus: Pray for peace in your neighborhood.
I'll help you get started... "Lord, I pray for peace in my neighborhood. Surround us with Your protection and love, just as the mountains surround Jerusalem. May we live in harmony and support one another..."
Take a few deep breaths and center yourself in this moment. Invite God's presence to fill your heart as you read today's scripture. Let the words guide your reflections, and remember that our church family is praying with you today.
Psalm 126:1-6 (CEB): A Joyful Return
Scripture: When the Lord changed Zion’s circumstances for the better, it was like we had been dreaming. Our mouths were suddenly filled with laughter; our tongues were filled with joyful shouts. It was even said, at that time, among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them!” Yes, the Lord has done great things for us, and we are overjoyed. Lord, change our circumstances for the better, like dry streams in the desert waste! Let those who plant with tears reap the harvest with joyful shouts. Let those who go out, crying and carrying their seed, come home with joyful shouts, carrying bales of grain!
Prayer Focus: Pray for peace in our county.
I'll help you get started... "Lord, we rejoice in the great things You have done for us. I pray for peace in our county, that we may live together in joy and unity, celebrating Your goodness..."
Take a moment to find some stillness and breathe deeply. Invite God's peace to enter your heart as you prepare to read the scripture. Let the words resonate with you, and remember that our entire church family is on this prayer journey with you today.
Psalm 126:1-6 (CEB): A Joyful Return
Scripture: When the Lord changed Zion’s circumstances for the better, it was like we had been dreaming. Our mouths were suddenly filled with laughter; our tongues were filled with joyful shouts. It was even said, at that time, among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them!” Yes, the Lord has done great things for us, and we are overjoyed. Lord, change our circumstances for the better, like dry streams in the desert waste! Let those who plant with tears reap the harvest with joyful shouts. Let those who go out, crying and carrying their seed, come home with joyful shouts, carrying bales of grain!
Prayer Focus: Pray for peace across our nation and around the world.
I'll help you get started... "Lord, we trust in Your promise that those who sow in tears will reap in joy. I pray for peace across our nation and around the world. May Your love heal divisions and bring about lasting peace..."
Settle into a quiet space, take a deep breath, and invite God into this moment. As you read today's scripture, let it shape your thoughts and prayers. Remember, others in our church family are joining you in this spiritual practice today.
Psalm 127:1-5 (CEB): Laboring and Prospering with the Lord
Scripture: Unless it is the Lord who builds the house, the builders’ work is pointless. Unless it is the Lord who protects the city, the guard on duty is pointless. It is pointless that you get up early and stay up late, eating the bread of hard labor because God gives sleep to those he loves. No doubt about it: children are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a divine reward. The children born when one is young are like arrows in the hand of a warrior. The person who fills a quiver full with them is truly happy! They won’t be ashamed when arguing with their enemies in the gate.
Prayer Focus: Invite God to direct our path as a church.
I'll help you get started... "Lord, we acknowledge that all our efforts are in vain unless You are the one guiding and building our path. Direct our steps as a church, that we may follow Your will and accomplish what You have set before us..."
As you prepare for this time of prayer, take a deep breath and let go of any distractions. Invite God to meet you in this moment. As you read the scripture, allow the words to guide your reflections. Remember, our church family is with you in spirit, sharing in this journey of prayer.
Psalm 128:1-6 (CEB): Blessings of Those Who Fear the Lord
Scripture: Everyone who honors the Lord, who walks in God’s ways, is truly happy! You will definitely enjoy what you’ve worked hard for— you’ll be happy; and things will go well for you. In your house, your wife will be like a vine full of fruit. All around your table, your children will be like olive trees, freshly planted. That’s how it goes for anyone who honors the Lord: they will be blessed! May the Lord bless you from Zion. May you experience Jerusalem’s goodness your whole life long. And may you see your grandchildren. Peace be on Israel!
Prayer Focus: Pray for the openness of the next generation to the ways of Jesus.
I'll help you get started... "Lord, I pray for the next generation, that they may walk in Your ways and experience the blessings that come from fearing and following You. Open their hearts to Your love and truth..."
Before you begin, take a deep breath and let your mind settle. Invite God into this moment of reflection. As you read the scripture, allow the words to touch your heart. Remember, you are joined by others in our church community who are also praying today.
Psalm 129:1-8 (CEB): Many a Time They Have Afflicted Me
Scripture: From youth, people have constantly attacked me— let Israel now repeat!— from youth people have constantly attacked me— but they haven’t beaten me! They plowed my back like farmers; they made their furrows deep. But the Lord is righteous— God cut me free from the ropes of the wicked! Let all those who hate Zion be ashamed, thoroughly frustrated. Let them be like grass on a roof that dies before it can be pulled up, which won’t fill the reaper’s hand or fill the harvester’s arms. Let no one who passes by say to them, “May the Lord’s blessing be on you! We bless you in the Lord’s name!”
Prayer Focus: Pray for your enemies.
I'll help you get started... "Lord, I lift up those who have opposed or hurt me, and I ask for Your grace to forgive them. May they find peace and transformation in Your love, just as I have found in You..."
Take a deep breath and let yourself be still. As you settle into this time of prayer, invite God to be present with you. Read the scripture thoughtfully, letting the words guide your prayer. Know that others in our church are sharing in this experience with you today.
Psalm 130:1-8 (CEB): Waiting for the Redemption of the Lord
Scripture: I cry out to you from the depths, Lord— my Lord, listen to my voice! Let your ears pay close attention to my request for mercy! If you kept track of sins, Lord— my Lord, who would stand a chance? But forgiveness is with you— that’s why you are honored. I hope, Lord. My whole being hopes, and I wait for God’s promise. My whole being waits for my Lord— more than the night watch waits for morning; yes, more than the night watch waits for morning! Israel, wait for the Lord! Because faithful love is with the Lord; because great redemption is with our God! He is the one who will redeem Israel from all its sin.
Prayer Focus: Remember the times you have cried out to God "from the depths," and give thanks.
I'll help you get started... "Lord, I remember the times when I cried out to You in my deepest need, and I thank You for hearing my prayers. Your love and mercy have sustained me, and I trust in Your continued faithfulness..."
As you come to this time of prayer, take a moment to breathe deeply and let go of any distractions. Invite God into this space with you. As you read the scripture, allow it to calm your spirit and focus your heart on the Lord. Know that you are connected to others in our church family who are also praying today.
Psalm 131:1-3 (CEB): Simple Trust in the Lord
Scripture: Lord, my heart isn’t proud; my eyes aren’t conceited. I don’t get involved with things too great or wonderful for me. No. But I have calmed and quieted myself like a weaned child on its mother; I’m like the weaned child that is with me. Israel, wait for the Lord— from now until forever from now!
Prayer Focus: Pray for our hope to come from the Lord.
I'll help you get started... "Lord, I place my hope in You alone. Help me to trust in Your ways, even when I don't understand them. May my heart remain humble, and my faith strong, as I rely on You for everything..."
As you begin this time of prayer, take a deep breath and invite God's peace into your heart. Read the scripture slowly, allowing each word to resonate with you. Remember, you're part of a larger community today—our church family is praying together, lifting these prayers to God.
Psalm 133:1-3 (CEB): The Blessedness of Unity
Scripture: Look at how good and pleasing it is when families live together as one! It’s like expensive oil poured over the head, running down onto the beard— Aaron’s beard!— which extended over the collar of his robes. It’s like the dew on Mount Hermon streaming down onto the mountains of Zion, because it is there that the Lord has commanded the blessing: everlasting life.
Prayer Focus: Pray that it will be "good and pleasant" for us to share life together.
I'll help you get started... "Lord, I pray for unity among us, that our fellowship may be filled with joy and peace. Help us to live together in harmony, reflecting Your love to one another..."
As you prepare to pray, take a few deep breaths and invite God's presence to calm your heart. Let the scripture guide your thoughts, and remember that you are part of a community of believers—our church family is lifting these prayers to God alongside you today.
Psalm 134:1-3 (CEB): Praising the Lord in His House at Night
Scripture: All you who serve the Lord: bless the Lord right now! All you who minister in the Lord’s house at night: bless God! Lift up your hands to the sanctuary and bless the Lord! May the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth, bless you from Zion.
Prayer Focus: Praise the Lord!
I'll help you get started... "Lord, I lift up my voice in praise to You. Thank You for Your constant presence and unfailing love. I bless Your name, knowing that You are worthy of all praise..."